The revised growth forecast “takes into account the new geopolitical situation,” said Le Maire speaking on TV channel TF1, referring to the war in Ukraine, the Middle East, the “marked slowdown of China’s economy,” and “the recession in Germany in 2023.”As a result, and due to below-forecast tax revenue, the government will “make an immediate effort to save €10 billion,” to meet budgetary targets.
Savings worth €5 billion will have to come from the operating budget “of all ministries,” said Le Maire, for example savings on energy expenditure and purchasing.The government will also “reduce public development aid by nearly €1 billion,” and cut by €1 billion the planned subsidy for the MaPrimeRénov’ energy programme.“We had promised an extra bonus of €1.6 billion between 2023 and 2024,” and “there will still be one worth €600 million, but we’ll save €1 billion,” said Le Maire.A “third round of savings,” worth €1 billion in total, will focus on “governmental organisations,” according to Le Maire, who mentioned bodies like the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion, Business France, France Compétences and the National Centre for Space Studies.France’s new growth forecast is aligned with estimates by other institutions: Banque de France is expecting national GDP growth “close to 0.9%,” the International Monetary Fund forecast a growth of 1%, and the OECD of 0.6%.Le Maire said that his ministry still intends to cut public deficit to 4.4% of GDP in 2024, down from the 4.9% expected for 2023คำพูดจาก สล็อตเว็บตรง. “We are also keeping a window open” for “amending the budget in summer, depending on the economic and geopolitical situation,” he added.
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